Hatha Yoga teaches students to master all functions within the body. Yogis consider our physical body as a temple in which the soul dwells. It must be purified and solidified, starting with breathing.

Astral body* has a physiology of its own, we should learn to breathe, sleep, eat and walk, in order to constantly draw life force of water, air, light and food into our body. There is no health without properly distributed pranic* energy. In order to feel the benefits of this practice, it is essential to purify the body with a long and deep breathing called pranayama*.

Pain, illness and disease are attributed to a lack of vital force* in our physical body. 

It is a discipline for everyone. Contrary to a gymnastic sequence, postures (asanas*) – should be maintained for about 1-3 min. It combines breath control – (pranayama*), body awareness, meditative visualization and concentration.

Hatha yoga, like other forms of yoga, leads to an overall improvement in mental and physical health. Gradually, the student receives benefits of it: 


More flexibilty

Strengthen the skeleton and joints

Stretching and alignment of the spine

Reduction of pain


Enhance concentration

Improvement of memory

Clarity of vision

Calm mind


Decreased anxiety

Relief from daily stress

Superior quality of sleep



The fundamental intention of the discipline is to bring a balanced flow of prana* into the nadis*. The word Hatha is composed of two mantras*. 

Ham: represents the solar power

Tham: represents the lunar power

In order to create a balance between these two forces.