“Yoga is a priceless heritage of today. It is an essential need of the present and tomorrow’s culture.”
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
It is the science of harmonious living, intended to be incorporated into daily life. Yoga acts on different aspects: physical, vital, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual.
This unity is described in spiritual terms as the union of individual consciousness* with universal consciousness*.
On a more practical level, it is a way to balance body, mind and emotions.
Science of yoga begins to work on outermost dimension of the personality, physical body. When an imbalance is felt at this level, the organs, muscles and nerves no longer function in harmony; they act in opposition to each other.
For example, endocrine system* can become irregular and efficiency of the nervous system diminishes to the extent that disease manifests itself.
Yoga aims to bring various functions to optimal coordination so that they work together to benefit the whole body.
From physical body, yoga moves to mental and emotional planes. Many people suffer from phobias and neuroses due to stresses and interactions of daily life. Yoga will not solve life’s problems, but it does present a proven and effective method of overcoming them.
Swami Sivananda Saraswati, explained that yoga is an “integration and communion between head, heart and hand.
Gradually, this awareness leads to an understanding of more subtle realms of existence.
There are many branches of yoga: Karma, Hatha, Jnana, Bhakti, Raja, Kundalini, Laya, to name a few…
Each individual has to find the yogas tha are best suited to his or her particular personality and needs.
In the last half of the 20th century, Hatha Yoga has become a known and widely practiced system.
Today, in the 21st century, yoga is a cultural heritage. Yogic practices provide immediate and tangible benefits to everyone, regardless of their goals. What is most effective is the balance created in the nervous system and endocrine systems that directly influences all other systems and organs of the body.
Asanas remove physical discomforts accumulated during the day.
In the 21st century, beyond needs of individual, underlying principles of yoga are a genuine tool to counteract social unrest. At a time when the world seems to be losing steam, yoga provides a way to find our own way to connect with our soul.
Through this connection with our true self, it is possible to manifest union in modern era and allow compassion to emerge.
Yoga in this regard is far from being a simple physical exercise. It helps to establish a new perception of what is real, what is necessary and how to settle into a way of life that embraces inner and outer realities.