Physical body also called corporal body:
Schtula-Sharira is composed of 5 elements: Earth (bones, muscles) Water (blood, lymphatic circuits) and food, fire (digestion, breathing), Air (oxygen), Ether(sublte matter).
Astral body is also called vital, subtle, energetic body.
It is represented of three envelopes:
1st Prana “maya kosha”: layer of vital energy which represents breathing techniques and the five sense energies.
2nd is Mano maya Kosha: layer of lower mind, it is located in the brain and controls information received.
3rd is Vijnana Maya Kosha: layer of the higher mind. It allows connection between perception and intuitive intelligence disclosure, symbolically located on the heart chakra (anahata chakra).
Le Prana
In Sanskrit terms, prana is described as vital energy, a subtle force that circulates in the body from inside to outside.
Nadis are energetic pathways connected to nervous system and are composed of ida, pingala and sushumna:
Ida: constitutes the left side associated with parasympathetic system, responsible for general decrease of body’s functions and right brain.
Pingala: Acts on sympathetic system which prepares the body for activity. It is linked to the right side of the body and the left brain.
Once, balance is established between these two currents, prana enters sushumna embodying central energy canal.

Pranayama: “Prana” means breath and “Yama” means control. It is a group of respiratory exercises and one of the eight pillars of Yoga.
Asanas: represent postures held in a still, comfortable and relaxed manner. There are also part of the eight pillars.
Mantras: is composed of the sanskrit root “man” which means to think ans “tras” which means an instrument. The mantra would be an instrument of thought.
Sanskrit is the language of Hindu and Buddhist religious texts. Individual consciousness is the perception of one’s own existence, of one’s own reality.
Universal consciousness is a state of consciousness in which the individual consciousness becomes one with the universe.
The endocrine system is a set of glands and cells that produce hormones, which are released into the bloodstream. They control many functions such as: growth, reproduction, sexual function, sleep, hunger, mood and metabolism.